Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Common Work At Home Success Characteristics

Do people that are successful in home based businesses share
some common characteristics and, if so, what are the primary

The dictionary defines successful as:

*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence

When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to

I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.

Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.

After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.

Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.

Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:

*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It
often takes a long time to become an "overnight success"

*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull

*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business

Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess all
three of them.
About the author:

Kirk Bannerman operates his own successful home based business
and also coaches others seeking to start their own home based
business. For more information visit his website at
Proven Work At Home Business

by: Kirk Bannerman

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Can a Work at Home Business Lead to Self-Employment

The number of Internet users is estimated to reached THREE BILLION in 10 years time at the time of writing this articles. In
fact, thousands and thousands of NEW people around the world are coming online daily.

With such a huge world wide market, starting an Online Home Based Business is a great way to gain self-employment.

Whether your Work at Home Business will eventually lead you to Full time Self-Employment depends largely on YOU.

As James Allen has quoted:
He who would secure any worldly advantage must be willing to work vigorously for it, and he would be foolish indeed who,
waiting with folded hands, expected it to come to him for the mere asking.

If you are WILLING to work vigorously for it, you CAN and WILL be able to turn your work at home business into a Full time business.

Most people who try an online business failed because MOST online companies will just provide you with their products and
expect you to have the necessary online selling knowledge. They don't provide you with the necessary online advertising
materials or business forums to guide you how to go about it.

However, they are not wrong for behaving that way because they are in the online business to sell their products and not to
train you to become an online expert.

For those who already possess the necessary online advertising knowledge, they can simply join any online business opportunity and start selling for the companies.

However, for those who are NEW to the online selling world, it is WISE to choose an Online Business that teaches you HOW
to operate a successful work at home business and achieve self-employment.

When I first started my Online Business, I thought it was simple and easy to make online money and when I saw any business
opportunity that pays, I just joined. As you guessed, I ended up not making any money.

As James Allen, quoted, I was foolish indeed. Of course, I didn't gave up my self-employment dreams and continue to
research the various business opportunity available across the NET.

Eventually, I settled for ONE that was cater for NEW Online entrepreneur like me as I believe that a constant hammering on
ONE nail will generally drive it home at last, so that it can be clinched.

It took me a couple of years to learn the online trade (as I am also holding a Full Time job at that time) and SELF DISCIPLE
as to ensure that I spend time enough time reading and APPLYING the online marketing materials provided by the company every week WITHOUT failed.

I am quite happy with my online progress and still consider myself as a learner.

Failure is not permanent TILL you give up.

Wishing everyone success in gaining Self-Employment via your own Work At Home Business.

About the author:
Copyright @ Arthur
Most Financially Successful individuals Grow Rich by starting their own business. Application of Knowledge is the line
between those who succeed or failed in an Internet Home Business Opportunity.

by: Arthur
By © Arthur, The Online Internet Home Business Opportunity

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Five Ways to Kill Your Home Business

I know it is better to be positive than negative. But speaking from experience sometimes you can do things that are bad for your home business without realizing it. You might even think you are doing the right thing when in fact you are hurting your online business. So here are some "top 5" ways you can throw your work-from-home opportunity down the drain (and how to avoid doing so):

1) Have no plan, vision or goals.
Sure, you may find success in your home business by accident. But you are more likely to keep your online business alive (and have it grow) by setting some direction. Besides, without a plan and destination how would you even know if you achieved success? Do some dreaming about what you would like your home based business to be in 2 years. Then set some attainable but challenging goals based on your vision. With your goals in mind, chart a plan for your home business.

2) Do nothing.
"If you build it, they will come." Wrong - who told you that? One of the most frequent mistakes made by newcomers to online business is the belief that if they can just build a nice looking website then they will earn money. Of course some marketing ploys feed on that assumption, luring Internet marketing rookies to purchase the only website they will ever need. Just like an offline business, your online opportunity does not usually sell itself. You need to somehow bring potential customers or clients to your business website. This takes hard work, consistency and determination to succeed.

3) Do too much.
You can't do too much of the right things. But please do not mistake activity for progress! I hear this all the time: "I spend xx hours a week at my computer and not one sale!" Quality not quantity, people. There are some promotional activities such as writing home business articles (hey, like I'm doing here!) and networking politely in business forums that you can never do too much of. But some marketing tools can be over used and actually harm your home based business. Examples: submitting too frequently to some search engines or blasting customer support with an endless line of similar requests.

4) Join everything.
If it is free to join, why not? Affiliate marketers especially are always on the lookout for the next great business opportunity. What happens, however, is that unless the business opportunity somehow compliments your primary home based business then you are going to end up spreading your efforts thin. Choose programs to join that provide you with marketing leverage or which will enhance what you are offering without providing unwanted competition. The other danger with free progams is that once you join there may very well be an "upgrade opportunity" that you will find difficult to pass up. Be sure that this is what you want before you click on the payment button...all those free programs upgraded adds up soon!

5) Spend lots of money on advertising.
This is a tough one. You would think that the people who spend the most money get the most traffic to their websites and therefore earn the most money. While this may be true, how much are you willing to spend to have the kind of traffic volume to your business opportunity that is going to pay off? It is really hard to tell. The best advice I can give you is to take it slow. Track the results of every advertising campaign so that you can assess how effective the method or ad itself is. If you do not track your marketing then you might just be throwing money down the drain. Spend too much too fast and you might soon find it difficult to keep your home based business running. You might even adversely affect your current lifestyle by piling up bills that you can't pay because the website advertising you chose is not bringing you a good return on investment.

There are other things that can help your home business become successful or kill it. And these may not be the "top 5" for you. Just listing these made me think of another 5 that have probably hurt my own home business. Time to make some adjustments!

About the author:
Craig Friesen is a freelance writer and home business entrepreneur. Find other articles, ideas, resources and opportunities for home business or subscribe to the free newsletter.

by: Craig Friesen
Copyright 2005 Craig Friesen

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An opportunity called Home Business

Opportunity has strange ways of presentation. While you may search heavily for it everywhere, it will stand there silently, waiting to be found. It will not knock your door or pat on your back to grab your attention.

It will stand there; appear in disguise waiting for you to recognize it and lift the veil from its face. It demands action from you, yet it won’t give the slightest hint of its existence. Why?

A man who seeks opportunity will eventually find one. When, how and where entirely depends on the sharpness of the seeker. Opportunities are already there. If we are not conscious, we don’t see one. Only when we start becoming conscious , we start finding one.

Recently a friend of mine critically asked me “If home business on the net can bring so much wealth and freedom to oneself how come everybody is not sitting at home and earning”.

He was trying to negate that money can be earned by online business. I tried to explain him about online earning but he was not ready to accept the reason.

“I think that is wastage of time.” He completely rejected me.

He was not conscious of the fact and he could not be subjected to reason.

Well! Then home business is not for him.

First step to find an opportunity is to believe that it exists. One must accept that it is there. Then one must become conscious of home business’ money earning potential.

When you become conscious of something you start noticing that in abundance. If you are not conscious of something you can’t see that even surrounding are full of it.

That is law of nature.

Nature has designed things in this fashion to avoid the revelation to the unprepared and thus unworthy.

The opportunity can only be used by able. One who can recognize the opportunity and acts to tap it is an able man. Other kinds either will not find the chance or let it pass without utilization.

Home business on the net has produced millionaires. Countless people started with limited resources and now earn unlimited wealth. What did they do?

They recognized an opportunity and took action. They had eyes for the opportunity and audacity for taking an action. That is what makes them stand apart in addition to the wealth they have made.

They were able.

Taking an action is second step for tapping the opportunity. Action taking is must if you want to get yields from opportunity. Otherwise the opportunity is as good as no opportunity.

Opportunity for home based business would always remain. With internet expanding at such a fast pace, potential of home business is much more than ever.

But only those seek with conviction and vision would find one.

Moreover, only those who are courageous enough to take action would find their way to enormous wealth.

People who lack conviction, courage or both will not find any wealth in the home business or for that matter anything.

by: Arun Pal Singh

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